Diaries from the Cocoon, 08/19/23
Another week of learning, doing, seeing, and being and I feel like I’m in a good place!
Here’s the stats. . .
State Parks - NONE, it is Florida and it is HOT, I’m saving these trips for cooler months!
Books - 8 read, 2 in progress, 1 QUIT - I’m learning that business books are not my fave and I’m not gonna force myself to get through them, I’ve adjusted my reading list and am trying growth-related topics I enjoy!
Weight Loss - 3 pounds down, not the number I had hoped for, but I’ve been walking every day, being conscious of my eating, and feeling good overall, numbers be damned!
Courses - 26 completed, 2 in progress (this is where I’ve been focusing most of my attention)
Home Projects - 11 started, 7 completed
I’m 7 weeks into my cocoon era and it’s been very rewarding. I feel more at peace, less “shoulding” all over myself, and the sense of accomplishment is fueling me to keep going. I’m excited to start seeing FL state parks - trying not to be bummed it’s too damn hot out to actually go yet, honoring my energy and the fact that heat wears me out quickly. I made this weekend all about house projects and so far I feel great about what I’ve done - and excited about more to come, NOT stressed or worried or “shoulding” on myself - I’m going at my own pace.
Here’s the thing, I’m an IDEAS person. I’ve got LOTS of them. How often do I actually take action on them? Well, meaningful action that progresses the idea, not just planning action, not a whole lot. So this is new for me - STARTING and then FINISHING things. Whatever usually stands in the way of my action has now turned to just taking the first actual action steps - getting out the paint, buying the backsplash tile, getting the drill out - those first steps, once actually taken, turn into projects getting done. I’m picking up a book every morning and at least reading a few pages - if I don’t have the energy to read 50 pages, that’s ok - at least I read 5. Instead of being bummed about being 4 pounds shy of my 7 pounds goal I’m excited about the new habits I’ve built that I know, if I keep up, will cause life-long habits that lose pounds and keep me healthy. It’s all about those first couple of action steps.
Learning that as long as I take the first step, the rest will follow has been a triumph for me. I’ve triumphed over my procrastination through planning, my ruminating thoughts about what I could be doing, and not finishing what I start. That’s a feat!! I’ll take progress over perfection any day! And that’s not something I say lightly, that’s been an internal mindset shift that I’ve been working on embracing. It’s hard when you see the action and perfection of others then measuring yourself against that - I’ve stopped that terrible habit and that’s a big deal.
I don’t know who I’ll be at the end of this year as I turn 40, but holy shit do I love who I am right now!! Shifting to the growth mindset and really exploring my interests with purpose has lifted this cloud I’ve had over me for a few years. I can’t say I’ll never get depression again, but with this new mindset and the action I’m taking to care for myself makes me feel like I can prevent those tailspins into months of being bed-ridden and apathetic. Life can be tough, but my outlook is more adventure-based and less fear-based.
I hope that if you’re experiencing doubt, sadness, apathy, or feeling of lack you can see it’s possible to shift it. I’m not saying it’s easy or this is a cure-all, but holy crap has taking small action steps helped shift me into a lighter space. I wish that for you as well!
Til next time!
Cheers to creating,
Jessie Britely